Creating a Follow Up Process for Your Life Coaching Business

Have you ever heard the phrase: The Fortune Is In the Follow Up?

There's a reason behind it...

Research shows that the sale usually happens after the 5th follow up with a potential client but most of us never get to that point in our coaching businesses due to these stories in our head:

-I don't want to bother people

-I don't want to come off as salesy or slimy

-I guess they aren't interested or else they would have replied back already

When we can powerfully move past these stories then there's so much potential to hire new clients! 

I invite you to watch this livestream I did showing you how to create a simple and easy follow up process for your own coaching biz: 

In this video you’ll learn:

  • When a follow up would occur and why it needs to happen in your biz

  • How I set up my weekly follow up process in order to find new clients

  • What to say when you follow up with someone

  • How to keep track of your follow ups in an excel spreadsheet

I promise you…creating a consistent follow up strategy in your coaching business will lead to BIG results, more freedom, more money and helping people on a deeper level!

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