How to Design Your First Life Coaching Website

When I started designing my first life coaching website I was totally overwhelmed and hated every minute of the design process.

I wanted it to look perfect and to make me money overnight.

I wanted to have all the right words so people would want to hire me right away when they landed on it.

I wanted the seo to be flawless so I wouldn’t get lost on page 10 on a google search.


4 websites later I’m finally happy with my design, the branding, and the way I use my website to showcase my services and display my YouTube videos but honestly I feel like it shouldn’t have had to take this long nor should I have put so much pressure on myself to have a “perfect” website because that’s not what it’s really about anyways when helping to transform lives.

That’s why I’m committed to helping new coaches get their websites started in a way that feels good, easy, won’t break the bank and honors your creative genius.

In today’s video I interview Kelli Webster Preston, a brand strategist and website designer, who specializes in working with life coaches.

Kelli was the one person over the years to help me overcome my creative blocks and gave me permission to unleash my inner artist.

In today's video we are going to talk about:

  • the differences between Wordpress and Squarespace

  • what to do when you don’t feel like you’re a creative person, not a good writer or techy enough to design a website

  • the secret to writing stellar copy on your website that will instantly draw in your ideal clients

  • how to be a multi-passionate entrepreneur and combine all of your services into one offer

  • designing a gorgeous professional website without spending a crap ton of money

Let me know in the comments below: What’s frustrating you the most with designing your first website?

Looking to create your first professional coaching website on Squarespace but need some help getting started? Check out these gorgeous affordable templates to make it easy peasy!

Say Hello to Kelli:

Video Editing:

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